< A Holistic Approach to Caring for Prisoners - Crossroads Ministerio Carcelario


Crossroad Bible Institute Philippines is expanding the ways the ministry is caring for prisoners. In addition to continuing to provide Bible lessons

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Crossroad Bible Institute Philippines is expanding the ways the ministry is caring for prisoners. In addition to continuing to provide Bible lessons to men and women in prison, the team is involved in a number of projects to meet the practical needs of those on the fringes of society.

Crossroad Instructors in the Philippines have begun sponsoring the education of children of imprisoned parents. In December, nine children were fully financially supported for schooling. More children are receiving some form of assistance to continue their education.

Meanwhile, Crossroad Singapore partnered with Crossroad Philippines to raise money for a well near the Inagawan Prison. The well now provides clean water to thirty families of the village near the prison.

The CBI team in the Philippines also recently received a plot of land that they can use for free for ten years. The goal is to develop the donated land for farming and housing for people recently released from prison. It will provide a place to stay and employment opportunities for those reentering society.

“CBI Philippines is taking a holistic approach to helping prisoners,” said Jacob Busscher, CBI’s international coordinator. “The team is sponsoring education of children of men and women in prison, providing access to clean water and using farm land to promote successful reentry. These are unique ways of making Christ’s love tangible.”

The Philippines is one of more than 25 international affiliates of Crossroad Bible Institute. If you would like to financially support Crossroad in caring for the prisoner, click here.
