< A Letter of Thanks from Prison - Crossroads Ministerio Carcelario

Sign-upAt Crossroad Bible Institute, we receive countless letters of thanks from both prisoners and their Instructors. It’s beautiful to read how God uses Bible lessons and the exchange of letters to bless and encourage.

With Thanksgiving around the corner, we want to share part of a letter an Instructor recently received from her student, Ramon R., who is in prison in Colorado and has been taking CBI courses since 2008. For more than a year, Ellen has been grading Ramon’s lessons and sending him letters filled with hope and guidance.

Ramon’s words capture how God can use letters of encouragement to change lives. The letter is also a testament of the thankfulness a changed life produces.

Dearest Ellen,

I thank God every time I hear from you and think of you being my wonderful CBI Instructor, my sister in the Lord, my friend. I always pray for you with a joy and thanks for the way our faith in Christ has brought us to become acquainted.

With a profound humility, I must convey that there are no words weighty enough to express my great appreciation for your time and work, and as Christ would have it, my Christian love for you my friend. Many times your words of encouragement and edification have immersed me spiritually, with such an uplifting that I am finding tears running down my face. I feel the love of Christ pouring out of your words. Praise God!

With love for our Lord and for you my friend and sister,
Ramon R.

If you, like Ellen, have a heart for encouraging men and women in prison, please consider becoming an Instructor.
