< CBI Letters a 'Source of Comfort' for Former Prisoner - Crossroads Ministerio Carcelario

letterEvery week, thousands of people across the world prayerfully craft letters and send them to men and women they have never met in the darkest of places.

The men and women in prison who receive the letters often say that they come at the perfect time with a message that is relevant and encouraging to their lives.

At Crossroad Bible Institute, it is our mission to equip the church to minister hope to those behind bars through the mail. CBI has a team of more than 5,500 volunteers who review prisoners’ Bible lessons and write handwritten letters of encouragement.

Doug Cupery, a former prisoner and Crossroad student, said he held on to the letters he received from CBI volunteers for years, keeping them as a treasured library of hope, comfort and guidance. “I kept some of my letters for years. I just kept them,” Cupery said. “They were kind of a source of comfort for me.”

In the video below, Cupery, who now is on staff at Ridge Point Community Church, talks about the impact encouraging letters can have on those behind bars.
