< Crossroad Invites Prayer for Parents of Prisoners - Crossroads Ministerio Carcelario

CBI's prison ministry helps prisoners and the families of prisoners.CBI ministers to tens of thousands of prisoners each year, and the introduction of the Manga Messiah course means that CBI is now reaching the children of prisoners as well.

In fact, every member of a prisoner’s family needs support, and this has prompted CBI president Dr. David Schuringa to call for prayer on behalf of an often overlooked demographic, the parents of prisoners.

Although the vast majority of prisoners come from broken homes, many of them have at least one concerned parent. Some families need God’s comfort during their time of grief, while others need to be reconciled with their estranged children.

“There’s a lot of pain out there,” said Dr. Schuringa. “These parents are on a tough journey.”

Dr. Schuringa also urged CBI supporters to remember that these parents often play an active role in their children’s spiritual journeys. “I’ve talked with many who are so grateful for your participation with Crossroad Bible Institute because they see your ministry with their sons and daughters making a difference,” he said.

Indeed, a CBI student’s parent recently wrote: “I have been praying for my son for a long time. I prayed, ‘Whatever it takes to bring him to you, Lord.’ I was not prepared for what it took, but the Lord is seeing us through it all. I have seen a big change in my son. Thank you for your Bible studies.”
